Electronic Structure and Spectroscopy in Inorganic, Bioinorganic and Materials Chemistry

magnetic circular dichroism studies of ironii binding to human calprotectin

Our group has also been interested more broadly in defining electronic structure and bonding across the breadth of iron-containing complexes, clusters, heterogeneous catalysts and metalloproteins in order to identify key contributions to reactivity and function. Our expertise and capabilities in X-ray structural elucidation, inorganic spectroscopic methods (Mössbauer, magnetic circular dichroism, EPR) and DFT calculations have enabled key insights into electronic structure and bonding across a wide range of systems including novel P2 and BF complexes of iron, iron-NHCs, iron oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) catalysts, iron-bisphosphines, iron-pincer complexes, iron complexes with potentially redox non-innocent ligands, iron substituted polyoxovandates and non-heme iron metalloproteins, amongst others.


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